Lice And Hair Extensions UGH! Hair Extensions/lice Check=NO!?

UGH! Hair extensions/lice check=NO!? - lice and hair extensions

I have hair extensions because my hair is super super super super super super super super super super thin.
Thinner than the hair baby.
He had an illness, and now again in his

Tomorrow we will head lice checks in schools, where all the lines in front of the school and examined his head.
Nobody knows my extensions.
Please help .. What should I do?


Wayne008 said...

Try to go in the early hours of the morning school and speak with a consultant, if available. Explain your situation to say to them, she had the disease and now has his hair back, but used the extensions. Tell them that you are embarrassed to know if the children that you are other enhancements.

I do not know if your parents handed you at school, but if they do, they to the person who speak the review of the lice. If this is not possible, explain the situation to their parents and say they fear the children begin to treat you badly, or you, or uncomfortable because they are sick and laugh a little understanding.

Let's call the school and explain. If this is not possible that your parents a note explaining about the disease and her hair extensions and no one know that you and the kids can be very bad and give up control of the hair of the person and write that my parents are. You can also the person who controls the hair's hand and tell him that the situation in silence.

I'm sure you & # 0

Wayne008 said...

Try to go in the early hours of the morning school and speak with a consultant, if available. Explain your situation to say to them, she had the disease and now has his hair back, but used the extensions. Tell them that you are embarrassed to know if the children that you are other enhancements.

I do not know if your parents handed you at school, but if they do, they to the person who speak the review of the lice. If this is not possible, explain the situation to their parents and say they fear the children begin to treat you badly, or you, or uncomfortable because they are sick and laugh a little understanding.

Let's call the school and explain. If this is not possible that your parents a note explaining about the disease and her hair extensions and no one know that you and the kids can be very bad and give up control of the hair of the person and write that my parents are. You can also the person who controls the hair's hand and tell him that the situation in silence.

I'm sure you & # 0

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