Rate My Genital Tattoo 37 Weeks Pregnant Genital Herpes?

37 weeks pregnant Genital herpes? - rate my genital tattoo

I live with genital herpes for about 3 years and am 37 weeks pregnant with my first son, I know what the risks are given to me my baby if I have a vaginal birth .... I've heard that I could possibley contain the elimination of the virus, and not even know and you type something on the scalp of the baby's heart rate, that breaks the skin and may lead to remotely monitor ..... I do not know if I have herpes in me .... Is there anyway I can be an elective caesarean'm really nervous about this question ....


Mrs.K said...

Hi hun,

First you talk to your obstetrician or midwife, you have VHS? if it is not necessary to speak now, as soon as possible and put on medication for 38 weeks to play for the rest of your pregnancy to prevent the spread of the virus and have a home at the time of delivery.

It will give you a c-elective cesarean section, because you have the VHS, the only time you will be asked whether the virus and lesions visible at the time of delivery or, if spread baby seal, etc.

If you herpes at the time of delivery and you do not know, and your child comes in contact with the virus that can be tragic. About half of the children to escape with antiviral drugs to treat permanent damage. However, others may suffer severe neurological damage, mental retardation or death. It is the fear of the terrible consequences than the level of risk associated with neonatal herpes a concern does.

While you may feel uncomfortable discussing herpes in the delivery room, it is best to think of the child and the welfared be honest. It can be difficult, with three or four people you have never seen before, but the most important, the stigma that unfortunately there are left and just forget it, "your baby's health is very important.


ck_da_fi... said...

ask your doctor

LolaMola said...

the child would have forgiven herpes on the vocal cords and into the mouth. I deff. View of a planned C-section!

♥michele... said...

Does your doctor? What does he / she recommend? There are many risks during childbirth, if you have herpes ... Blindness is a. I think we should sit down and talk to your doctor about what to do.

Jill said...

The current practice leads to a vaginal delivery if there is an active outbreak of lesions. It is likely that if there is damage inside, you feel pain or burning or any kind of symptom. Even if you do not, your doctor may do a speculum examination, to inspect the inside of the vagina.

The probability of virus shedding, if it is not a house very, very low. If low, as I said earlier, they are still comfortable, able to vaginal delivery in most cases, and only a caesarean when there is an outbreak or suspected early on.

You can always delivered by caesarean section, but I suspect that tell your doctor that a Caesarean section if it can not even riskier than the potential risk of herpes transmission during vaginal delivery. Just ask them what their thoughts on this topic.

Good luck and congratulations!

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