Fox Racing Cases Liberals Claim That Fox News Is A Conservative Soap Box?

Liberals claim that Fox News is a conservative soap box? - fox racing cases

If this is the case for making these figures, opinion polls show that the Democratic Party is doomed to failure?
Cable News Race
Thu, 7 September 2006

FOXNews O'Reilly 1895000
FNC Hannity / colmes 1382000
MTV Pimp My Ride 1315000
FNC GRETA 1246000
FNC HUME 1231000
CNN KING 769,000
CNN COOPER 735,000
CNN DOBBS 689,000
CNN Blitzer 592,000
CNNHN Nancy Grace 537,000
CNN ZAHN 503,000
MSNBC's Hardball 426,000
Olbermann, MSNBC 426,000
CNNHN Glenn Beck 420,000


Cinner said...

They argue that a box of soap conservative, because for so many years the whole country was crazy left-liberal journalists, who themselves as truth. In comparison with the rates, who goes on television and reports the real news is to look like a conservative. The truth is in numbers. I can not explain intelligently to wait to be attacked.

nren2k5 said...

It is a bit depressing to realize that many people actually see this garbage.

Perhaps it is with this package of cable TV CNN and Fox News, are contained in? Perhaps Fox News reached only more housing?

I really can not believe that would be so many people, faced with the choice, this shit to see.

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