Rose Oil And Lemon For Acne What Is Your Unique Scent/perfume Mixture?

What is your unique scent/perfume mixture? - rose oil and lemon for acne

I was there a unique scent interested

I may have the mixture of scents and oils experienced WTH.
I use a lot of essential oils for my hair and skin, so little time, I started with mint, lemon and rose oil as perfume. It smells a lot, but always have oil stains and clothes that mix, I also other oils and essential oils can not be worried be directly applied.

What are your mixes and then how the last time? In the lotion, shampoo ......................?

My favorite scent is a mixture of oxygen from Lanvin, and Paris Hilton by Paris Hilton


summerms... said...

I sleep all my perfumes w / 'HEMPZ lotion. It softens and gives a slightly different smell that people like, "What are you wearing Are?"

I'm such a lady! said...

Usually cigarettes and beer for my love of women

※Ֆpy※ \m/ said...

my friend is doing well. but I can not in any way. I have things to smell the scent, but it is unfortunately no longer seems to work.

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